Identitetskris hos Kentico, är både Enterprise CMS, Headless och Decoupled

In Microsoft .NET, Nyheter, Övriga / Custom CMS by Redaktion Martin Edenström3 Comments

Under hela vintern har Kentico hårt gått ut för att ta en position som ett alternativ till de omtalade headless CMS’en. Eller tom. för att positionera sig >som< ett Headless CMS.

De har, en aning desperat, försökt förklara fördelarna med .NET-baserade Kentico i mixen i olika infographics. De kallar Decoupled CMS för ”Steg 2” i CMS utveckling, där deras nya kombinerade moln och headless-erbjudande är ”framtidens Steg 3”.

Kentico Cloud

Kentico Cloud

Nu under onsdagseftermiddagen släpps då äntligen Kentico Cloud, som kallas ”The Cloud-first Headless CMS”.

Kentico Cloud 1.0 ska rikta in sig på byråer och IT-konsulter som behöver ett molnbaserat stöd för att hantera digitala upplevelser. Det tjänstebaserade erbjudandet ska framförallt eliminera komplex teknik, databas och serverstruktur.

Användare ska kunna hantera strukturerat innehåll med leverans i multi-kanal, de får ett API-first CMS som kan visa upp innehåll på olika webbar / appar och de kan sköta personalisering av det hela. Men då tillkommer så klart en viss licenskostnad. Kentico Cloud kan i flera fall kosta upp till 106 700 SEK om året i avgift. De olika erbjudandena kostar mellan 49 och 999 dollar i månaden. har satts upp för den nya satsningen. vet mer, läs vidare här om samma företag:  Kentico blir Kontent.AI, tar in 0,4 mdr. Utmanar Adobe och Sitecore


  1. Hej Martin,

    Som hollandare are det kankse battre att tar det pa engelska…;-)

    We both know that you have your preferences when it comes to CMS-systems, as I do as well, but I was expecting a little bit more objective messaging from you in this case…

    At Kentico we don’t have an identity crisis at all. Even better, we adopt to the changing market and demands in the requirements our clients have. There is still a large demand for projects requiring integrated marketing solutions such as Kentico where the presentation layer and CMS-functionality are perfectly integrated, but as you know there is also more and more demand for solutions that have an ability to serve very specific micro sites or IoT-devices where the traditional solution does not work (anymore).

    We decided on the one hand keep a focus on developing and improving our existing CMS solution to be able to deliver integrated solutions where clients need that (as most organizations do), but also serve the new demand from the market by providing a headless or API-first CMS being Kentico Cloud.

    It is interesting to see new companies appearing in the market that offer API-first CMS’s, but also existing vendors looking into offering both worlds as well as they serve different scenarios. The market is really changing.

    In Kentico, we decided to build a new solution from scratch which ensures that no legacy code will be integrated in the new Kentico Cloud solution enabling a high performing and very scalable solution that runs in Microsoft Azure. Our first version is launched recently and we already see a high demand (next to our normal solution).

    To summarize, we are very happy to be able to offer a very competitive priced and fully integrated .NET CMS-solution with many E-Commerce and Online Marketing features, but also a high performing and scalable headless/API-first CMS. It means customers (and partners) can pick the right solution for the right scenario (which we all should do anyway)!

    Please let me know if you need more explanation. I can even do that in Swedish if you would like….

    Med vanligen halsningar,
    Bart Omlo, Kentico
    VP Sales EMEA (previously living in Falun)

  2. Hi Bart,

    Nice to hear from you and thank you for that clarification. And I’m sure you’re aware of that the topic is somewhat ironically.

    This since you guys have been talking about:
    Enterprise CMS (in the past),
    Headless (in blog posts, infographics),
    Decoupled (in infographics) and
    ”Something else” (new Kentico cloud)

    That’s what led to this.

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