Escenic Content Studio 5 information och bilder

In Escenic, Nyheter, Play-kanal / Multimedia by edenstrom4 Comments

Första bilderna på Escenic Content Studio 5 har släppts.

Article editing. Click for large version.

Frontpage editing. Click for large version.

Image editing. Click for large version.

Featurelistan har samtidigt uppdaterats (ej ”säljstrippad” av mig):

  • The fastest and most efficient way to work with content
  • Excellent support for multi-channel and multi-site content management
  • Effective, responsive and customizable workspace
  • User interface adapts to the customer-defines content types, installed modules, etc
  • Drag and drop images, videos, text, articles, etc.
  • Dynamic multi-level caching: Content is live on all sites immediately after publishing
  • Integrated editing of images, videos, maps and graphics
  • Open content items in specialized programs (Photoshop, Final Cut , MS Office), save directly back into Escenic Content Engine. The updated content item is live on all sites and channels immediately.
  • Search results in both internal and external data accessible from within the application
  • Live monitoring of both internal and external data, including built-in RSS reader
  • Work on several stories, images, videos, etc. at the same time
  • Advanced teaser editing: One story may have several different titles and lead text when used in different contexts
  • List editor: Globally managed lists such as ”Editor’s choice” easily accessible across sites
  • User-configurable inboxes: Manage planned content, assignments, etc by creating inboxes and permission schemes
  • Field-level locking: Multiple users can work on different parts of the same article simultaneoulsy
  • Roaming profiles: Users’ workspace preferences are stored on the server and accessible everywhere
  • UTF-8 support throughout the system, and user interfae localized in several languages
  • Dictionaries are based on open standards, with a large number of languages available for download
  • Integration with Tansa Systems ’ advanced text-proofing tools
  • Integration with Vizrt Products
  • Automatic scaling and conversion of images to multiple sizes based on the presentation layer
  • Workflow support and permission control through user groups and roles
  • Content completely separated from presentation: Focus on content, not appearance
  • Presentation for all channels managed in separate JSP presentation layer, allowing content managers to focus on the content, and the designers on the design
  • Integration with several industry-standard print-based systems, as well as powerful import and export features
  • Extensible to meet specific customer needs using the open Java API and RESTful web services


  1. Escenic är lätt det mest kraftfulla cms jag jobbat med. Men då var det ju efter hundratals konsulttimmar lagts på att skräddarsy det för SVD och E24. Bland annat för att göra flertalet av de features som listas ovan.
    Men tycker ändå det känns väl tungt, råddigt och därmed lite daterat jämfört med lättare och billigare, eller rena open source system. Just som det måste skräddarsys rejält för att nå full potential.

    Låter dock jäkligt coolt med direktintegrationen med Photoshop, office och final cut.

  2. Escenic är lätt det mest kraftfulla cms jag jobbat med. Men då var det ju efter hundratals konsulttimmar lagts på att skräddarsy det för SVD och E24. Bland annat för att göra flertalet av de features som listas ovan.
    Men tycker ändå det känns väl tungt, råddigt och därmed lite daterat jämfört med lättare och billigare, eller rena open source system. Just som det måste skräddarsys rejält för att nå full potential.

    Låter dock jäkligt coolt med direktintegrationen med Photoshop, office och final cut.

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